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This site is currently in beta and will grow along with the American Climate Corps.

ECO AmeriCorps Member

ECO AmeriCorps

Apply (opens in new tab)

Opportunity summary

Term length

9/17/2024 - 8/15/2024

Application window

Application closed


Montpelier, Vermont

Hourly pay equivalent


Project summary

The ECO AmeriCorps program gives Vermont’s emerging leaders the opportunity to serve the needs of Vermont communities in the environmental and conservation spheres. By collaborating with our partners, we add vital capacity to strengthen local communities and foster a deeper stewardship of our natural world. Members lead and participate in projects that include climate resiliency and adaptation, ecosystem restoration, climate mitigation and waste reduction.

Opportunity description

ECO AmeriCorps members begin service in September 2024. We are seeking to fill 26 positions are various host sites throughout the state of Vermont. ECO members focus on projects improve water quality, ecosystem function, volunteer recruitment and management, waste reduction, GIS data and mapping analysis, invasive species removal, environmental outreach, stewardship and communication.


  • Education benefit
  • Workforce credential or certificate
  • Healthcare
  • Mental and behavioral health benefits

Requirements and qualifications


Seeking highly motivated individuals with a background in environmental conservation/education, natural sciences, environmental studies, communications/outreach, field research or other related fields; some positions are more physically demanding and require hiking and operation of tools and machinery, and being outside for long periods of time. The program also supports office based positions with limited physical requirements; access to a vehicle is recommended.

Preferred qualifications

Previous service or community based experience; strong communication skills, secondary degree in an environmental field.

Opportunity details

Focus area

  • Natural resource preservation and conservation
  • Biodiversity protection and restoration
  • Waterway restoration
  • Reforestation or afforestation
  • Outdoor recreation access improvements
  • Weatherization of homes and public buildings
  • City parks and greenspaces creation and maintenance
  • Stormwater management
  • Tree planting and urban forestry
  • Recycling and composting programs
  • Local ecosystem restoration
  • Soil and water conservation
  • Food waste reduction
  • Volunteer recruitment and management
  • Environmental education and training
  • Environmental research and citizen science

Work environment

  • Telework eligible
  • Individual placement
  • Rural
  • Outdoor