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CivicSpark Community Resilience Fellow


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Opportunity summary

Term length

9/16/2024 - 8/15/2025

Application window

Application closed


Multiple Locations, Colorado

Hourly pay equivalent


Project summary

CivicSpark builds local government and community capacity to address resilience challenges such as climate change, water resource management, affordable housing, and transportation. During the 11-month service year, CivicSpark Fellows complete research, planning, or implementation projects that support public agencies in advancing resilience initiatives.

Opportunity description

While projects vary, Fellows can expect to work on tasks including research, meeting facilitation, community outreach, data collection, data analysis, and report writing. Fellows will lead volunteer engagement projects and attend regular training to build professional and technical skills. Fellows will complete their service year with a strong understanding of working with local government as well as experience in using critical tools often used in the local government and nonprofit space.


  • Education benefit
  • Healthcare
  • Mental and behavioral health benefits
  • Child care

Requirements and qualifications


US citizen, national, or lawful permanent resident of the United States required. Ability to pass FBI, state, and NSOPW background checks prior to service. Minimum of a 2 year Associate's degree from an accredited college or university. Commitment to the full term of service, Ability to work in a professional setting. Strong communication and teamwork skills.

Preferred qualifications

A degree in a related field, such as environmental sciences/studies. One year of relevant experience such as volunteer, internship, or work experience supporting project-related tasks including past service experience. Experience with or training in outreach, facilitation and/or education. Experience with project implementation. Comfort with quantitative work including data collection and analysis. Candidates local to the community in which they will serve are preferred.

Opportunity details

Focus area

  • Natural resource preservation and conservation
  • Biodiversity protection and restoration
  • Wildfire prevention and fuels reduction
  • Waterway restoration
  • Reforestation or afforestation
  • Outdoor recreation access improvements
  • Forestry
  • Energy audits
  • Weatherization of homes and public buildings
  • Solar and renewable energy systems installation
  • City parks and greenspaces creation and maintenance
  • Urban agriculture
  • Stormwater management
  • Tree planting and urban forestry
  • Extreme heat mitigation
  • Recycling and composting programs
  • Environmental justice
  • Disaster preparedness recovery and response
  • Coastal wetlands restoration
  • Local ecosystem restoration
  • Economic development support for energy transition communities
  • Climate smart agriculture and sustainable farming
  • Soil and water conservation
  • Farm to school initiatives
  • Community gardens
  • Food waste reduction
  • Marketing and outreach
  • Volunteer recruitment and management
  • Environmental education and training
  • Environmental research and citizen science

Work environment

  • Telework eligible
  • Team based
  • Individual placement
  • Rural
  • Urban
  • Indoor
  • Outdoor

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