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Natural Resources Wildlife Intern

The Student Conservation Association

Apply (opens in new tab)

Opportunity summary

Term length

11/4/2024 - 5/5/2025

Application window

8/13/2024 - 10/14/2024


Big Bend National Park, Texas

Hourly pay equivalent


Project summary

The intern will have broad exposure to park operations and will complete the internship with significant experience applying natural resource management and long-term monitoring to support the diverse missions of a national park. Work completed by the intern will assist natural resource management staff in monitoring native species, invasive species, and environmental parameters, which will allow the park to quantify the need for and impact of restoration projects.

Opportunity description

Under the park Wildlife Biologist's supervision, the intern at Big Bend National Park will be trained in NPS protocols and assist with vegetation, wildlife, and physical science projects. Duties include using wildlife cameras, surveying endangered species, conducting aerial surveys of trespass livestock, monitoring air quality, and performing well and habitat restoration surveys. Opportunities for collaboration with other park divisions will provide broad experience in natural resource mngmnt.


  • Housing
  • Relocation expenses
  • Commuter allowance

Requirements and qualifications


Applicants should have experience hiking, camping, and navigating in backcountry, assessing natural resource disturbances, documenting invasive species treatments, monitoring vegetation, identifying wildlife, and habitat restoration. Note that Big Bend is remote, requiring a personal vehicle for supplies; the nearest grocery store is 30 miles away in Terlingua, with a larger store 100 miles away in Alpine.

Preferred qualifications

Applicants should have college or graduate coursework in biological sciences, wildlife biology, botany, ecology, or natural resource/park management. Familiarity with ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, and related apps is a plus. A valid driver's license is required, as the role involves driving 4x4 work vehicles.

Opportunity details

Focus area

  • Natural resource preservation and conservation
  • Environmental research and citizen science
  • Wildlife biology

Work environment

  • Individual placement
  • Outdoor